Monday, January 12, 2009

Simple Thought, No Important Thought

Do you know what makes people Athiest? Trust me Retarded people, It is not that we hate the idea of God, or that God has done us wrong. WAKE UP, DON'T diss other peoples religions, when you do not ever remotely know what they believe! I am Athiest, it is NOT BAD! We DO NOT worship the devil. We DON'T believe in the Devil, oh forgive me for saying we, because we, as in everyone who is athiest, are not a group, or colloective religion. It is just me as an athiest having no religion. Way to ruin my day stupid ones......!

1 comment:

  1. o...m...g... I totally know what you mean. I was so mad at Elena once for trying to make me take a bible or whatever it was from her. And I don't try to make people not believe in God. I mean I sorta do, but in a totally different way than most people. Like he's a figment of everyone's imagination. Which isn't bad, I just don't believe it. I hate stupid people though.
